Holy Covenant Anglican Church
A Place for EveryoneHoly Covenant is a place where everyone gets to learn, practice and walk Jesus’ way of love.
who we are
the way of love
Everyone is invited to discover, understand and participate in God’s kingdom so that our neighbourhoods will thrive. This is the way of love. That’s why we’re here. We’re a church that encourages everyone to walk in Jesus’ way of love.
When people walk the way of love together everyone can become their most authentic and true selves. Young people flourish. Older people are valued. Diversity is affirmed. Everyone lives securely and people get to build something significant in life.
We believe that God loves everybody. It’s why Jesus came, lived among us, was crucified, overcame death through resurrection, ascended and gave the Spirit to all who would follow in the way of love.
We need help to walk the way of love. It’s always harder than it looks. Our shadow side is never far away. Discouragement, tiredness and withdrawal come along. We often wander and stop. Nevertheless we can always start afresh.
We strive to be a community that values what Jesus’ valued – inclusion, diversity, compassion, justice and freedom. By valuing these things, we seek to be fruitful in the ways of God’s Spirit.
We believe that God works through every person and that no one is a project or a spectator. Our age, ability, gender, orientation and heritage are gifts through which God works so that the world can flourish.
We are located in Canberra’s north just near the Jamison Centre and are part of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
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8am Sundays
Traditional Service
A traditional prayer book service with Holy Communion. Hymns from Together in Song.

10am Sundays
Contemporary Service
A contemporary service with modern worship music and weekly variations on a basic prayer book format. Children and youth programs run during the service. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion including children.

12pm Wednesdays
Mid-week Service
A traditional prayer book service with Holy Communion for those who like a quiet and reflective time of worship or just a later start. A light lunch follows.
Children & Young Adults

Ministries especially for young children and families, including Godly Play, Children’s Church, and Family Services.

Young Adults
Spaces for youth and young adults to grow relationships with one another and with God through Scripture, prayer and social activities.
Pastoral Services
The church offers a full range of pastoral services to the people of Canberra, whether they are a part of the Anglican Church or not. To make a booking, contact the church office.

Baptism & Thanksgiving
God’s kingdom is open to all who wish to enter. Baptism provides the means by which families and individuals can engage with God and develop their spiritual life. It is a sacrament available to children and adults.
Thanksgiving is a local alternative where parents can celebrate their child’s birth or adoption while not making any promises on their child’s behalf. It is available to those who feel less certain about church or religion.

In marriage, two lives become one and a new family is born. Marriage is an opportunity for two people to know and grow through a committed, life-long relationship.
Holy Covenant offers a religious space for weddings and preparation for the journey. We can help all relationships create a shared vision, deeper understanding, resolve conflict and communicate better.

The end of our mortal journey is the start of a new phase of life. Funerals are a chance to celebrate the life of beloved family members and an opportunity to know that God’s generous love will welcome us all home.
Members of our team can help plan a service for loved ones and lead them at Holy Covenant, in a funeral home, crematorium or grave side.
Diversity and Inclusion

God welcomes us not just for who we are but for all that we can and should become. Therefore our church makes space for people from all walks of life, capacities, abilities, genders and orientations.
We believe that rainbow Christians are a gift from God to the church. We choose to celebrate their relationships and embrace their capacity for leadership.
We understand that this is not the view of every Christian community. We also realize that this may not be the lived experience of people who are gender or sexually diverse or their families.
This is why we are an affirming, inclusive and diverse church for LGBT people and their loved ones.
Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn
Keeping Ministry Safe
Everyone is safe when anyone can report concerns about abusive behaviour. The Safe Ministry Helpline is a confidential number for reporting concerns about the treatment of children, young adults or any vulnerable person:
1800 070 511
This is an independently operated service which will assist you in responding to the disclosure or to your concerns.
They will also advise the Rector/Priest-in-Charge (if appropriate) and instigate support mechanisms for the parish as required.
For more information contact:
02 6245 7158
Weekly Bulletin
A parish bulletin is produced weekly. Click here to download the most recent edition.
Previous editions are available here.
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