Holy Covenant Anglican Church


Nurturing heart, mind and soul

Holy Covenant is a place where everyone has the opportunity to discover and share their gifts with others.

Caring for all

Covenant Care

Covenant Care is a group of programs, run under the direction of the Venerable Emeritus Anne Ranse OAM, which serve to carry out our Parish Vision: Holy Covenant is a place for everyone.  Covenant Care is an organisational member of Volunteering ACT.

If you could benefit from one of our programs, or wish to volunteer, please send an email via the form below.

Client Support
Home visits; assistance with shopping and errands; transport for appointments; connection to other activities, such as outings and community lunches; casseroles and soups, as needed; and assistance with end of life planning, when requested.

Community Outings
Transport to and from planned group events throughout the year, such as Floriade, musical recitals, and the theatre.

Covenant Care Day Hospice
The Covenant Care Day Hospice (CCDH) opened in 2012 and is a wonderful example of the gospel in action. Most terminally ill people want to remain in their own home to their last days. The support provided by CCDH helps make this possible.

CCDH offers “A Day with a Difference” for those in our community who are living with a life-limiting illness. It also allows carers to have a day off to catch up on outstanding matters or to take some time out to relax. Our experienced registered nurse and cheerful volunteers ensure that the clients and carers know they are in good hands and will be well entertained and cared for while attending our program.

In 2014, the ACT Volunteer of the Year Group Award for the “Community Care and Health” category was awarded to “Covenant Care @ Holy Covenant Volunteers”.

CCDH greatly appreciate the ongoing support of the Canberra Southern Cross Club.

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Community Garden

SHOVEL is a community with a common interest in nurturing the resources that God has given us. We do this by growing our own food, using sustainable practices.

Anyone with an interest in sustainable gardening is welcome to join us, regardless of gardening experience and knowledge.

We plant, grow and harvest together in our community plots.

We meet from 10am each Saturday morning.

The SHOVEL Team invited Adrienne Francis from ABC Radio Canberra to visit the garden in 2022. Click here to listen to the interview and learn more about what we do!

Some of our favourite recipes using the produce grown in our garden were also featured on ABC Radio Canberra’s Saturday Kitchen.

Contact us via email at SHOVEL@holycovenant.org.au or call the office on (02) 6251 6100.


Carers’ Coffee Circle

A friendly group that shares information and provides support for anyone in a carer role. The group meets on the 2nd Friday of the month, from 10am-12 midday, at the Canberra Southern Cross Club Jamison. All are welcome.

For more information, please contact the church office on (02) 6251 6100. 

Noah’s Ark

Pet Ministry

Pets are a beloved part of our family whether you own a cat or a dog or some other pet, every pet owner knows that our animals play a key role in our lives.

This ministry consists of:

  • Supporting pet owners and their pets with prayer and opportunities to talk to someone who understands the importance of pets in their life.
  • To celebrate a pet’s life in joy and sadness.
  • Offer a prayer vine.
  • Memorial services.
  • Remembrance services.
  • Pastoral care to pet owners.
  • There will be opportunity to make up small packs of dog food for the pets of homeless people in the Jamison area.

Genesis 2:18-19 – Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name”

This ministry operates mainly through our Facebook group (Noah’s Ark Pet Ministry) or you can contact the Revd Anne Ranse using the box below.


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Playgroup is a group of mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers who meet together each Friday morning from 10am until 12pm with their babies, toddlers and preschoolers for interaction and fun. It’s a great way for children to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills and also to share ideas and experiences.

For more information contact the office via email at office@holycovenant.org.au or call on (02) 6251 6100.

Special Prayer

Prayer Vine

As a community, we seek to be there for one another by providing special prayer when needs arise.

For prayer requests, please fill out the contact form.

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Other Activities & Groups

Friendship groups, playgroup, resources group, reading group, gentle exercise classes, and more.

Pizza night

On the first Friday of each month, the parish hosts a pizza night for the neighbourhood. Members are encouraged to invite friends and neighbours to a free night of good food, great games and wonderful conversation in the worship centre.

Have a Good Yarn

‘Have a Good Yarn’ is a chat and knitting/craft group that meets in the Worship Centre on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 11am – 12.30pm.

EfM - Exploring Faith Matters

Are you looking to take your faith journey deeper?
We learn together in community, read scripture and explore how our faith and theology intersects with the world around us as we look at different theological tools which help us reflect on our traditions, culture, experience and positions and discern where our own interests and passions dovetail with the work of faith.
For more details go to Exploring Faith Matters (efmaustralia.org)

Small Groups

Online discussion groups are held each term throughout the year to deepen and broaden our understanding of faith. In term 1 the group read Freeing Jesus (2022) by Diana Butler Bass. In term 2 we’re reading This is God’s table: finding church beyond the walls (2020) by Anna Woofenden. In term 3 we’ll explore Richard Rohr’s Falling upwards: a spirituality for the two halves of life (2011). In term 4 we’ll read For the life of the world: theology that makes a difference (2019) by Miroslav Volf and Matthew Croasmun. Contact Wayne for details.


Meditation is a way to nurture faith through silence and learning how to listen to the deep, constant presence of God in our lives.

A group operates in the Worship Centre every Tuesday from 12:30pm and another on Wednesdays from 6pm.


For those looking for a challenge, a Scrabble group meets at 9:30am in the Rainbow Centre on Thursday mornings, giving attendees an opportunity to stretch their mental muscles a little further.

Tai Chi

A Tai Chi class runs in the Worship Centre on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am, allowing people to explore a different method of building body and mind.

MOTH - Monastery of the Heart

MOTH is a book study group that meets from 10.30am – 12.00pm on the first Friday of the month in the Rainbow Centre. Newcomers are always welcome.

Men's Dinner

Each quarter, the parish hosts a dinner with pizza and a speaker. This event usually appeals to older people.

Women's Afternoon Tea
Dinner Club

6pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Southern Cross Club in Jamison.